“For our sake He made Him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.”
– 2 Corinthians 5:21

Spiritual Conversations
There is an unprecedented opportunity to reach 20-year-olds on the university campus. The Great Exchange has found this next generation of young people to be extremely open to hearing and responding to the good news of the Gospel. They are not attracted to religion or our entertainment, but when we begin to discuss the means that God has made for us to know Him, they are intrigued.
At university campuses everywhere we are having hundreds of ongoing conversations about Jesus. It is an exciting, attractive atmosphere and students find it fun and exhilarating. It is a lot like what it might have been like to be at the Areopagus in Athens in Acts 17.
The Great Exchange is an equipping ministry whose goal is to come alongside existing churches and ministries with tools to share the gospel in their spheres of influence. We do this by partnering with the church or ministry to hold Great Exchange events on their campuses and in their communities. At our events, we politely ask people if they would like to participate in spiritual interest surveys. If they say yes, we merely listen politely to their answers. At the end of the survey, we ask if they would like to know how they can know God personally. Because we have listened politely, more often than not they are happy to hear what we have to say. It is an open door to share the gospel and offer an opportunity to make a personal decision to follow Jesus.
Come Join Us!
We are excited about filling our spring calendar! Check the calendar and text or email to join us or to schedule an event on your campus or in your community! These short videos illustrate what is happening with university students almost daily on campus. Our mission is to serve the Church worldwide through encouraging, equipping, and engaging Christians in personal and event evangelism thus helping fulfill The Great Commission.
Would you consider inviting your friends and family to a Great Exchange event this semester?
> If so, click here or call us at (706) 338-2309.
The Great Exchange On Campus
Events This Week
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The Great Exchange is looking for more churches and ministries with which to partner. If you can support our ministry, please consider making a financial contribution.
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What Is The Great Exchange?
The Great Exchange believes “God made Jesus, who knew no sin, to become sin on our behalf, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God” (2 Cor 5:21). God treated Jesus as if He lived our lives on the cross, and then He turns and treats us as if we had lived Jesus’ perfect life.
Join us for an event and share your faith with college students at these upcoming events.