About The Great Exchange

What We Do: At The Great Exchange, we use surveys to allow people to open up about their spiritual backgrounds. We have spiritual conversations about their understanding of God, Jesus, and Christianity. After they have explained their views, we ask if we can share some of our own beliefs. When students see that we genuinely care and are open to listen, they in turn, are often eager to hear from us.

Where We Go: The Great Exchange has visited over 130 college and university campuses in the United States, the United Kingdom, Brazil, Germany, and Hungary. We also work alongside other ministries where one-day events feature volunteers and open-air conversations about Christ. We are based in Athens, Georgia.

What Others Say: “There is no way that’s in the Bible,” said Zach, a 21-year-old agnostic at The University of Georgia. “I thought the central message of Christianity is: Obey the commandments and God will let you into heaven.” “A lot of people think that,” I responded, as we sat near the bus stop, “but look at Romans 3:20: ‘By the works of the law no human being will be justified in God’s sight.’ That means no one is saved by being good. Can I tell you what the gospel is?” “Yes, I’d actually like to hear it”.

What We Believe: God made Jesus, who knew no sin, to become sin on our behalf, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God (2 Cor. 5:21). God treated Jesus as if He lived our lives on the cross, and then He turns and treats us as if we had lived Jesus’ perfect life!

To view a schedule of college campuses and cities we plan to visit, click here to review our Event Calendar.

Our Outreach Materials

When on campus, we ask students to complete our ‘Spiritual Interest Survey’ so we understand their background and beliefs. After a conversation about our relationship with God and the relationship He wants to have with us, we often give interested students the 21-Day Challenge, which invites them to read the Gospel of John.

Join The Movement!

The Great Exchange is looking for more churches and ministries with which to partner. If you are interested in hosting The Great Exchange on your campus, in your community, or if you are interested in joining us on campus one day, let us know!